I love to write!

I love to inspire!

It’s words that inspire others to take the next steps in their lives . . . to do what’s best for themselves. I use those words to help make things clear . . . to explain an idea in the most comfortable way I can.

In fact, I love to write so much that I studied through AWAI, (American Writers and Artists, Inc.), to learn the ins and outs of copywriting through their Accelerated Copywriter’s Program, as well as other programs they continuously offer.

There has always been a strong desire in my family to learn everything we can. Because of it, I just can’t stop learning! (It’s my parents’ fault.)

As a result, I have a multitude of experiences and paths I’ve chosen to walk in my life.

It’s those experiences that have made me uniquely qualified to work with clients whose customers enjoy the same experiences, hobbies, and passions as I do. Many times those customers aren’t even aware of what my clients have to offer in the way of products and/or services.

This is where my services as a copywriter come in! And that’s also why I spent so much time learning and perfecting my copywriting practices.

Through the AWAI, and my own experiences, I’ve learned that a single project may take 24 hours or 24 days, depending on the size of the idea.

But it’s always born.

And it’s so worth it to see an idea become real!

I’ve been writing everything from poetry, to advertising copy, to novels all my life. It’s invigorating!

Prior to my writing . . . and actually during it, as well . . . I worked full-time jobs in both finance and marketing, along with part-time jobs . . . like becoming the Animal Control Officer in my town, and becoming an ordained minister in 2002. I have also been deeply involved with Reiki, . . . the ancient study of hands-on healing . . . and music which has been part of my life since I was 10 years old.

I even owned and ran my own band . . . the first all-girl band . . . in Western New York.

But through it all, I never stopped writing.

Now, at this point in my life, I’m looking to share my writing skills to help others.

So, if you’re looking for a remote copywriter, just send an email to rebishop37@gmail.com and let’s discuss your next project.

I’m all ears!! (or eyes!!)

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